ABC’s of Fitness
A equals ACTIVITY: Physical activity of some type is the foundation of any personal health improvement program.
Activity can range from walking each day to a rigorous daily routine of weights and aerobic exercise. Walking is an excellent way to begin any program. One can start from simply walking ¼ of a mile each day with weekly increases in distance. A person can walk each morning, each day at lunch time or go for a short walk just after work or in the evening after dinner. It does not matter at the beginning it be a certain distance or the same time every day, the most important is to begin walking.
As a person becomes stronger he may easily increase the mileage as his speed increases. Increasing the distance a small amount each day or weekly will show dramatic results in many areas of your life.
B equals BEGIN: Just beginning some type of daily or weekly routine is better than remaining sedentary. Many times the most important step is the first step, many times the hardest step is the first step.
It does not matter whether a person begins their personal health routine by walking, running, going to the gym, using a treadmill, starting a weight lifting program. It only matters that the person begins doing something. The body will quickly react very favorable to any type of physical activity. The body was made to move, that is what it does. Muscles and joints were made to be used. To sit and debate for weeks over what type of program, how often, where it should be is actually defeating the purpose. Simply begin doing something because surprisingly when you body realizes you are serious it will begin telling you what it enjoys.
C equals Consistancy: A body that is not used to moving very much will at first try to thwart any type of physical activity, consistency will AWAKEN the muscles to a more active time of their life and will soon become accustomed to and in fact will soon desire for some type of activity each day.
The body is the most incredible machine in the world. It is much smarter than we think. If we have been sedentary for weeks, months, even years, it will at first wonder what in the world is happening . The body will literally work against you at the beginning because it has become accustomed to a very easy life style. Yet when an individual is consistent in their physical activity the muscles soon wake up to the fact that moving feels good to them. They soon become accustomed to having that boost of energy, they soon become accustomed to performing the function they were made to do, they begin feeling good and they begin rewarding the individual with improved health.
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